Tactical Basin Plans
Tactical Basin Plans provide an assessment of the health of the basin and identifies water quality strategies related to agriculture, developed lands, wastewater, and natural resources. The plan also includes information about how landowners, watershed organizations, and communities can access funding and technical assistance to help protect and restore water resources. These plans integrate watershed modeling, water quality monitoring, sector-specific pollution source assessments, and stakeholder input to document geographically-explicit actions necessary to protect, maintain, enhance, and restore surface waters. For more information on basin planning, click here.

Basins in our District
Basin 14
Basin 14 went through the planning update process in 2020. Our district provided landowner feedback to the Basin Planner and submitted comments on behalf of the District and members of the Connecticut River Watershed Farmers Alliance. For more information on the suggestions and assessments in the basin plan, click here.

Basin 9
The Basin 9 Tactical Basin plan was published on December 11, 2018. The plan provides an overall assessment of the health of the White River Basin. Our district helped aggregate public comments and attended public meetings on the plan.
To learn more about Basin 9's Tactical Basin Plan, visit the DEC's website here.