Wetland Restoration
What is a Wetland?
Wetlands are land that is typically saturated or covered in water. Wetlands are home to many unique species of plants and animals such as beavers, herons, turtles, and cattails.
The state of Vermont uses ten criteria in order to determine if an area merits protection based on its values and functions. Here are several:
wetland evaluation form.pdf- Provides water or run off storage
- Allows for surface & ground water protection
- Provides fish & wildlife habitat
- Provides economic and recreational benefits
- Protects rare and threatened species
As you can see, Wetlands in Vermont do a lot!
For more information on the value of wetlands, follow this link to the Department of Environmental Conservation's page about wetlands.
How to Find a Wetland
Wetlands provide great educational and recreational opportunities. If you would like to find a wetland near you, click here to use the Agency of Natural Resources Atlas. Just click on the layers tab on the bottom left and select the the wetlands layer.
Vermont Wetland Map
Current Wetland Projects

Long Island Sound Futures Fund
Conducting desktop reviews, prioritization, and site visits to identify restoration potential of micro-wetlands in agricultural fields.
Wetland Restoration
Before the creation of environmental regulations, many wetlands were converted into farm fields, blocked by roads roads, or drained. Our district is working closely with the Agency of Natural Resources in order to restore areas that were once naturally occurring wetlands.
There are a number of different wetland restoration programs that may fit with your current land use goals. To schedule a site visit and learn more about wetlands, contact us at WhiteRiverNRCD@gmail.com or by phone at (802) 369-3167
Wetland Regulations
Wetlands are valuable natural resources that are protected by state law. The Vermont Wetlands Program is responsible for identifying and protecting wetlands and the functions and values that the provide. On January 21, 2020, the state of Vermont enacted a new set of regulations pertaining to wetlands. For more information on the specific rules, click here.